He Discovered This Message in a Bottle Whilst Fishing, You Need to Read What It Said

Whilst out fishing this guy came across a bottle, and within that bottle was a scrolled up piece of paper with a message on it. What the message read is truly heart-warming and an amazing idea.

The message inside the bottle is from a man named Mel who has sadly passed. Above the message is a picture of Mel and his family. The message reads as follows:

My name is Mel, I have 3 beautiful kids and a beautiful wife of almost 54 years when I passed. I love the ocean, deep sea fishing, abalone hunting with my 2 son’s and visiting the tide pools with the whole family. Today my family is laying me to rest in a place that I love….. the ocean. So, this starts my journey….if you find this message in a bottle please go to my Facebook Page post a picture of yourself and where you found me and send me back on my journey.

Thanks and God Bless

Mel’s family.

Of course the guy did just that, and sent the bottle on it’s way. What a beautiful and unique idea, all made possible by the wonders of social networking and the internet.

A picture of the bottle when it first turned up

Opening the sealed bottle.

The date that the message began its journey.

The message and photograph that was inside the glass bottle.

After reading the message he did as it asked and sent the bottle on its journey again.

Who knows where it could end up next.

via Reddit

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