How the Average Workspace Has Changed Since the 1980’s

This fascinating project put together by Best Reviews shows how in the past 35 years the average workspace has been transformed from a sometimes cluttered and busy desk to what is now essentially just a laptop and a smartphone.

The workspace of 2014 can do most of what the workspace of the 1980’s could except rather than having a globe to find out where a country or location is we now have google maps and instead of using a pen and paper it is sometimes easier just to write down a note on your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Best Reviews

In 1980 the first personal computer was surrounded by a whole number of other items such as notepads, printers, a telephone and books.

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By 2005 things started to get even less cluttered. Google maps took over the globe.

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And this is how the modern desk looks. A laptop and a smartphone does everything that the cluttered desk did back in 1980, almost.


via designboom

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