23 Fascinating Photographs You Probably Haven’t Seen Before

The world is an extremely big place full of weird and wonderful things that will leave you in awe. Whether they are man made or completely natural here are 23 fascinating things you probably haven’t seen before.

1. A 140-year-old mother with her five-day-old baby.

via galleryhip

2. How a 900 pound man looks on the inside.

via yummybro

3. Aerial volcano tourism in Iceland.

via nationalgeographic

4. Where the Great Wall of China ends.

via wikipedia

5. This car that appears to be upside down.

via showviral

6. The Northern Lights and a volcanic eruption captured in the same photograph, Iceland.

via toovia

7. Abraham Lincoln before and after presidency.

via surfingbird

8. The sheer power of Howitzer canon firing.

via today

9. A dust storm over Phoenix.

via today

10. Cross Section of an Airliner.

via boredomtherapy

11. 40,000 LEDs lighting up a tree.

via EbaumsWorld

12. The crater made by a penny fired at the orbital speed of 23,000 feet per second.

via EbaumsWorld

13. A bus stop in Canada.

via EbaumsWorld

14. The AquaDom in Berlin, Germany. A 25 meter tall cylinder shaped fish tank.

via Pinterest

15. Adult lions encourage their cubs to bite them by pretending to be in pain.

via EbaumsWorld

16. Inside one of Google’s data center’s.

via Wired

17. An Oasis in the Gobi Desert.

via EbaumsWorld

18. Glow Worm Cave, New Zealand.

via Huffingtonpost

19. The sun through specific light wavelength.

via EbaumsWorld

20. The key for a BMW i8.

via EbaumsWorld

21. Highest outdoor elevator in the world, China.

via Imgur

22. The inside of a burning log.

via imgur

23. 5lbs of muscle Vs. 5lbs of fat.

via imgur

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