Photographer Smashes 17 Square Meters of Mirror to Create This Amazing Illusion

Some of you may remember that early last year we shared the amazing artwork of Erik Johansson, an illusionist who creates digital art that leaves your mind in a wonder. A master of digital manipulation it’s not hard to see why Johansson’s work is so popular online and his latest piece involving a smashed mirror might just be his best yet.

For his latest piece the artist spent months preparing 17 square meters of real mirror in order to catch one photo which was then later digitally edited blending both the real world and the digital together. The end result of this extra effort however doesn’t go unnoticed as the truly surreal image which shows Erik himself kayaking out of a shattered river is nothing short of mesmerising.

Interestingly Erik decided to film the entire process from start to finish giving us an insight not only into the making of this particular image but his creative process too. Scroll down to watch the video and make sure to check out more of his work on his website and Facebook.

Watch the video to see the behind the scenes:

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