This amazing house is located at 6431 Georgetown Pike, McLean, Virginia, and sits on nearly 4 acres and built on 22,000 square footage. It also has 10 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. Wow!
You can snatch this house for $25,000,000 – small change right?
Let’s look at the beautiful pictures of this house from inside and out, including floor plans:
This is the front exterior
If you want a quick look at all the pictures in gallery mode, here it is, or scroll down for a regular view of each one.
Amazing bathroom
Master bedroom
Master closet
Master closet
Entry way or living room
Kitchen again
Family room
Another bathroom
Entry gate to the property
Outside of the house
Another shot of the outside
Another shot of outside
Pool with TV
Main pool
Nice area to dwell
A movie theatre
Master closet
Floor plan 1
Floor plan 2
Floor plan 3
Floor plan 5