These packaging designs are absolute genius, they practically sell the products themselves. Packaging is sometimes over looked, but its such an important part of a product. Here are 30 genius packaging designs.
via: BoredPanda
Gnome Bread Packaging
Note Headphones
Beehive Honey Squares
NYC Spaghetti
Ford Ranger Extreme: Matchbox
Creative Japanese Pastry Packaging
Tea Hangers
Origami Beer
“City Harvest” Grocery Bag
Honey Made by Bees
Kokeshi Matchsticks
Kiss – Fruit and vegetable puree
Whitebites dog snacks
Moustache Paintbrushes
Zen Perfume
Fishing Boat Water Bottle
Juicy Juice Boxes
Mini Oliva Olive Oil
Blood of Grapes Wine Bottle
Green Berry Tea
Fruit Juice Packaging
Coffin-Shaped Cigarette Case
Pink Glasses Wine Bottles
Butter! Better!
Smirnoff Caipiroska