20 Genius Solutions for Everyday Problems

If you’ve got an everyday problem then you need to get in contact with these people. It would seem no matter how big or how small a problem is, they have a creative solution. Here are 20 genius solutions that people came up with for their everyday problems.

1. No lock? no problem.

2. What to do if the only plug is 6ft high up the wall.

3. Making a chess board with a pack of cards.

4. Turning the escalator into a back rubbing machine.

5. Turning a smoke ganja bench into a love bench.

6. Smuggle level 100.

7. Using an iron as a stove.

8. How to take zoomed in photos without an expensive lens.

9. Turning a boring gate into a fun slide.

10. Forget umbrellas, they are way to mainstream. This guys got it worked out.

11. Bottom part of blender is not needed.

12. For the lazy parents out there.

13. To stop direct eye contact with gorillas.

14. Well played with the billboard advertising.

15. Let nothing get in the way of telling the time.

16. Science.

17. Getting your hair tattooed on.

18. Using a game controller to take the dog for a walk.

19. How to have cereal at work.

 20. Hot to make a fork when you forget your own.

via EbaumsWorld

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