Here are 25 incredibly rare celebrity photographs that you most likely haven’t seen before.

Barack Obama with his high school basketball team.

Arnold Schwarzenegger on his first ever visit to New York in 1968.

Bill Gates’ mug shot for driving without a license 1977.

Muhammad Ali talking down someone who is attempting to jump in 1981.

Madonna, Sting and Tupac chilling together.

Paul McCartney, John Lennon & George Harrison performing at a wedding reception, 1958.

The Rolling Stones in 1963.

Ernest Hemingway’s passport photo in 1923.

Robin Williams dressed as a cheerleader in 1980.

The original Star Wars cast just before filming.

Elton John playing the piano at a bar aboard his private plane in 1976.

Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein.

Elijah Wood and Macaulay Culkin in 1993.

Diane Keaton and Al Pacino on set for The Godfather in 1972.

Steven Spielberg and Drew Barrymore on set of ET.

Martin Luther King Jr and Marlon Brando hanging out.

Steve Jobs sitting with Bill Gates discussing future computing and technologies 1991.

Adam West (Batman) and Leonard Nemoy (Spock) playing around on a drum set.

Robert Downey Jr. and Slash.

The Beatles playing their last concert ever, on a London rooftop in 1969.

Elvis Presley during his service in the U.S. Army in 1958.

Pablo Picasso and Brigitte Bardot hanging out in 1956.

A young Bill Clinton meets John F. Kennedy.

Frank Sinatra asking Lou Gehrig for an autograph in 1939.

Steven Spielberg sits in the mechanical shark used in Jaws.
via Airows