We all know the pain, you text someone and they never text you back, leaving you questioning your friendship and even your self-worth as a human being. Trying to figure out what to say when someone leaves you on read? Keep reading.
Sometimes they even text you first and when you reply… nothing. The struggle is real, people, and here is how you can deal with it: sarcasm, historical references, talking to yourselves until the other decides to show up “to the party of texting” or just assuming they’re dead with excitement and can’t text back orrrr, just wait, have patience and never give up.
You know how time really messes up with your expectations? When you’re happy, it just flies by you or disappears with the speed of light.
When you’re angry or sad, it just sort of lingers on and when you’re waiting for someone or something it seems like forever. Above all of these, though, is the wait for someone to text you back: this is the worst of all.
You might be thinking: well, maybe she’s at the bathroom and now maybe she’s preparing something to eat, maybe she just doesn’t want to look at the phone tonight and she’s going to bed. Then morning comes and still no text back. What has she done?
Turned into sleeping beauty? Well, for desperate situations you always have a back-up plan: Call! I love calling someone who doesn’t want to text me back. If they just don’t answer after hours of not texting back, they’re either dead or don’t want to talk to you.
So, people, when she or he doesn’t text back, just call her. It’s simple. Do not be afraid, otherwise, you’d just have to go through the hell of wondering: “what on Earth is she/he doing?”.
Fortunately for us, texting has kind of gone out of fashion and now there’s Whatsapp and Facebook messaging which makes it easy to make out if the recipient has received the message, read it or just doesn’t want to do so.
Anyhow, if you’ve ever been through this (and we all have), just give it 5 minutes to enjoy these 18 brilliant ways to respond to someone who doesn’t text back
What to say when someone leaves you on read or doesn’t text you back
1. You didn’t reply, it’s cool that you fainted.

Poor guy, he thinks he’s making fun when he’s actually dead inside…
2. The sarcastic approach.

Sarcasm is always one way to get out of uncomfortable situations and shield ourselves from the brisk “vicissitudes” of this world. Just use sarcasm!
3. The guilt trip. You better be writing me a novel.

And you better finish it on time, otherwise…all hell will break loose because there’s not such a thing as not answering a text
4. More guilt tripping. People die John. People

Dark humour is always such a nasty idea. My grandma always advised me against using it because it might backfire on me. So far, I’m not dead…
5. Leave her, she is hibernating.

Sleep is really important and she’s preparing for the role of the Sleeping Beauty, no time for texting back. Don’t leave him on read like that
6. Ah can you feel the love.

“Adorable” can sometimes be such an angry word that you throw at people who do not give a damn about texting you back
7. You could go all out emotional like this person.

I do not have a good opinion of emotional messages. Anger is a strong emotion and you might even end up destroying your phone trying to get the other person on the line. Nope, it’s not worth it.
8. Or make historical references like this.

If you’re both history majors, you can always come back with history references, maybe even recite a whole history book in the meantime, until he texts back, an eternity after
9. Lyrical genius.

Still, not such a great idea. What if the other person completely hates that song? What do you do then?
10. Or just start having the conversation you started but without the other person.

Well, with the way the text chats are displayed nowadays, you can actually trick yourself into thinking you are talking with another person when actually you are talking to yourself.
11. I was laughing because I thought your thumbs had fallen off…

Thumbs falling off can be a really tough punishment for all that kind of people who never text back. Lucky us it’s not happening…
12. Stalk them on social networking sites to see what they are up to.

Social Media has skyrocketed stalking to a whole new level and we can only be grateful about it
13. Blunt but at least they don’t mess about.

Imagine how much it could take to say “I want to go out with you”. Too much wasted energy…
14. I guess you did die. What a shame.

You have all the time in the world to rush to conclusions when someone is just not replying your texts
15. I’m waiting. Bit*h.

He’ll need a looooot of patience to do that…wait.
When someone sees your message but doesn’t reply this is what you do
16. This got real so fast, think about that next time you leave someone on read
This approach might seem desperate, but sharing your emotions might just work.
17. Does this make sense? I mean it kinda does
When people are drunk they usually are the most honest, so, just sayin.
18. You could just hit them with the cold harsh truth
That’s like the most truth I heard in a long time.