29 People You Just Know Are Dead Now

Here are 30 people having “Oh S**T” moments that you just know didn’t end well. Dead. Every single one of them.

1. Dead.

2. No longer with us.

3. R.I.P.

4. Furby is coming for you.

5. Dead.

6. They are screwed.

7. Dead now.

8. Ouch. Dead.

9. You just know he’s dead.

10. Scared to death.

11. This kid. Dead.

12. This swimmer. Dead.

13. This drunken guy. Dead.

14. Dead.

15. Overly excited dad. Dead.

16. Dead.

17. BBQ guy. Dead.

18. This driver.

19. You know he’s dead. You know.

20. Dead.

21. Total fatality.

22. You know she didn’t make it.

23. This kid. Dead.

24. The guy filming. Dead.

25. You know he didn’t survive this.

26. Dead.

27. Dead.

28. She’s dead.

29. This big guy is dead.

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