18 People Who Aren’t the Flirting pro’s They Wish They Were

From miss spelling the first word you ever send to someone, to revealing a little too much of your true weird self at once – these people wish they were flirting pro’s, but they aren’t.

1. This academic

2. This slightly less academic

3. The guy that gives up too quickly

4. The romancer

5. The snail lover

6. Lasagna lover

7. Good save on the potatoes

8. This Shrek fan

9. This fruit genius

10. The grammar nazi

11. They know their maths

12. She can’t be tamed

13. The persistent type

14. This name expert

15. This school romance

16. The food lover just looking for someone with a shared interest

17. The social media expert

18. The master of subtlety

via BuzzFeed

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