These Everyday Items Look Completely Different under the Microscope

Everyday you use or come across these items and many are found in your house, at school or at work but you have never seen them like this before.

Put under the microscope the most average of items such as a ball point pen become totally mesmerising. The images you see below are produced by ZEISS Microscopy who use an Ion Beam Scanning Microscope.

The results are awesome, and you can check out even more incredible photos via Flickr.

1. Ball Point Pen

2. Coffee Grounds

3. Cut Hair


5. Fruit Fly

6. Ground Black Pepper

7. Moustache

8. Nylon Stockings

9. Pepper

10. Printed Paper

11. Razor Blade

12. Salt

13. A staple through paper

14. The surface of an old penny

15. Textile

16. White Sugar

17. Wood

18. Woven Fabric

source: zeissmicro

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