This solar powered glow in the dark cycle path that was inspired by the artwork of world famous Van Gogh is the perfect fusion of old art and modern technology, with the two coming together to create this amazing idea.
The path in Nuenen, Netherlands was unveiled by Studio Roosegaarde which is an innovative social design lab the aims to explore where public space, art and technology can all meet, one of their most notable research projects being with Smart Highways which could potentially charge electric cars whilst they drive as well as alert road users of any hazards.
During the day it looks like a normal path, but at night is when it comes to life. Lit by both special paint that charges during the day and multiple LEDs that are charged during the day through nearby solar panels the cycle path resembles the style of Van Gogh’s art which is fitting as the artist lived in Nuenen from 1883 through to 1885.
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h/t colossal