We have covered plenty of impressive photographs before, but these take the idea of photography to another level. Through these incredible portrait photographs we explore some of the worlds best. They are masters of capturing the perfect shot, connecting us with their subject matter in the deepest way possible.
One of the most striking things you will notice about these photographs is the look in peoples eyes. Here are the 10 most famous portrait photographers in the world.
1. David Lazar

David Lazar takes incredible and vibrant photos in Brazil. The photographer takes inspiration from everyday life and it’s most precious moments.
Check out more of the photographers work via davidlazarphoto.com
2. Eric Lafforgue

Eric Lafforgue is famous for his photos that are taken in North Korea. Each person he photographs has a story to tell. His photographs have a real emotional connection to them that can be seen in the faces of his subjects.
Check out more of the photographers work via ericlafforgue.com
3. Jimmy Nelsson

Jimmy Nelsson takes stunning portraits of tribal and indigenous people who’s culture still remains untouched by modern society. We have covered Nelsson’s work here before. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
Check out more of the photographers work via beforethey.com
4. Joel Santos

The intense stares in these photographs depict a deep emotional connection that Joel Santos has with his subjects, which is what makes him one of the best portrait photographers out there.
Check out more of the photographers work via joelsantos.net
5. Lee Jeffries

Lee Jeffries takes intimate photographs, sometimes in black and white of homeless people. He manages to connect us the audience with his subjects through his camera lens, and thats a rare thing within photography.
Check out more of the photographers work via leejeffries.500px.com
6. Lisa Kristine

Lisa Kristine has been documenting indigenous cultures in over 100 countries. She has also played a big role in exposing and bringing peoples attention to modern day slavery.
Check out more of the photographers work via lisakristine.com
7. Manny Librodo

Combing photography and Photoshop Manny Librodo captures photos that are able to evoke a story.
Check out more of the photographers work via pbase.com
8. Phil Borges

Phil Borges takes photographs of Tibetan refugees that reveal hardship and emotion. The bleak colours also add to the feeling of isolation and the sense of desperation.
Check out more of the photographers work via philborges.com
9. Rehahn

Rehahn is specially focused on photographing Vietnam, Rajasthan and Cuba. He is famous for catching the soul of his subjects. Rehahn is undoubtedly one of the best portrait photographers in the world.
Check out more of the photographers work via rehahnphotographer.com
10. Steve McCurry

You will recognise the first photo of McCurry’s which is titled “Afghan Girl’ and was taken at a refugee camp in Pakistan. The photograph was nominated most recognised by National Geographic, but it’s not the only amazing photo he has taken.
Check out more of the photographers work via stevemccurry.com
via BoredPanda