This Little Iron Fish Can Make People Stronger and Save Lives

An iron fish designed by Canadian Dr. Christopher Charles will soon be making iron deficiency a problem of the past. Irony deficiency is a huge problem and one of the most common nutritional problems in the world which is thought to effect more than 2 billion people. Iron supplements are normally too expensive or hard to get access to but Dr. Charles’ invention will help to provide an adult with 75% of their recommended iron intake.

The doctor explains how it works, “Boil up water or soup with the iron fish for at least 10 minutes…you can then take it out. Now add a little lemon juice which is important for the absorption of the iron.” Food made this way won’t taste differently and the fish can last for years before it needs replacing.

Of the some 2,500 people using the fish in Cambodia as part of a trial, half of them are no longer anemic after using the fish for 12 months.

More Info:

Around the world nearly 2 billion people suffer from iron deficiency which makes them anemic.

Nearly 50% of Cambodians suffer from iron deficiency.

This tiny iron fish promises to change all of that.

Once added to boiling water or soup for at least 10 minutes the fish can provide an adult with up to 75% of their recommended daily iron intake.

After 12 months half of the people who used Dr. Charles’ fish were no longer anemic.

The fish design can also be adapted to suit other cultures. It is hoped that Dr. Charles’ invention will continue to improve millions of other peoples lives around the world.

h/t BBC, Boredpanda

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