Photographer Captures Amazing Self-Portraits with the Northern Lights

If you ever need a reminder of how small and insignificant us humans really are then take a look at the impressive work of Finnish photographer Tiina Törmänen who set out to capture exactly that.

These incredible self portraits with the Northern Lights as their backdrop are part of a series titled “Wanderer,” in which Törmänen captures the vast open landscapes of Arctic Lapland and northern Finland. These are pretty much the only ‘selfies’ that are worth taking.

View more of Törmänen’s work over on and Behance.

Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen
Tiina Törmänen



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