27 Terrible DIY Solutions That Should Never Have Happened

A message to the creative people of this world, just because you can sometimes doesn’t mean you should. The internet is full of life hacks, some useful and some useless but these people take it to another level of insane by inventing their own DIY solutions. None of these should ever have happened.

1. Broken key? fixed it.

2. Do it yourself shower head.

3. Hands free phone device.

4. How to barbecue.

5. Luke is one lucky guy.

6. This sofa has been fixed so well you’d hardly notice.

7. This doesn’t look so comfy.

8. Need to work on the go? no problem.

9. Stay classy.

10. Yep. Completely safe.

11. There are no words for this creation.

12. Ok, this is actually quite a good idea.

13. There are no words.

14. No need for a rear window wiper from now on…

15. Not sure if tongs or torture device!?

16. Stop it.

17. This has gone too far now.

18. I’m speechless.

19. This is why woman live longer than men.

20. You’ll be fine.

21. Pure genius.

22. You’d hate this if it was your dad.


23. There was no whisk.


24. Totally road legal.


25. Looks fine to me.


26. This really is awful.


27. Totally safe.


h/t buzzfeed.com

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