25 Disastrous Photos That Will Put You off Having Kids for Life

One of the drawbacks of having children is the mess that they leave behind all the time. Sure there are upsides to having a family, but as these 25 disastrous photos prove, if you’re going to raise a child then be prepared for a few rather messy accidents and disasters along the way.

1. What is this!?

2. It exploded by itself, honest.

3. This kid looks so proud.

4. They know how to waste their food.

5. You can’t really take them out in public.

6. Laundry day can quickly turn into this:

7. Turn your back for 5 seconds and then this happens.

8. They aren’t afraid to get stuck in.

9. Absolutely terrifying.

10. They were only trying to wash the car.

11. Sometimes its hard to tell the dog and the kids apart.

12. Who needs glasses anyway…

13. This bed clearly need some improvements.

14. Kids see walls as the best way to wipe their faces clean. Fact.

15. They really know how to celebrate their own birthday.

16. Adventures like this never end well.

17. Someone is going to need a bath.

18. This kid really loves cake.

19. They have the ability to fall asleep at any point.

20. At least he tried.

21. Potty training isn’t going so well.

22. Playtime ended in disaster.

23. Just looking for my favourite plate.

24. So, is this how its done?

25. I doubt daddy was too happy.

via TheChive

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