Man Puts Husky Inside Tote Bag on NYC Subway to Avoid Fine

The rules are pretty clear when it comes to taking animals on NYC’s subway, stating that “No person may bring any animal on or into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container.” The only thing they forgot to mention is just how big that animal and container can be, which is why this happened.

In order to avoid being fined this guy, photographed by CBS news producer Alex Romano, put his giant husky into a tote back in order to comply with the rules and the best bit about it is that the husky is totally cool with it all. Standing shoulder to shoulder with his human most would struggle to pull this look off, but they’re casual approach makes it all seem totally normal…

A man recently avoided being fined on the NYC subway by putting his husky in a tote back.

Alex Romano

But they’re not the only duo using this canine-commuting technique to comply with the rules…

Michiko Fuller
Clare Toeniskoetter


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