If you’re familiar with the internet then you should know the score by now as the moment a photo goes viral it quickly becomes the subject of memes and Photoshop wars, so when a photo of Obama and Putin exchanging an evil stare surfaced during the G20 Summit in China the internet did what it does best…
The photo, which was captured by photographer Alexei Druzhinin, was uploaded to Reddit’s popular r/photoshopbattles and users didn’t disappoint with their hilarious and creative responses. Here are some of the best…
Let the Photoshop begin!
1. Twilight
2. What will they say?
3. Blood
4. G20 Fight Night
5. Political memes, that’s what we are now
6. Wizard Duel
7. He’s following us again!
8. Eye of the Tiger
9. Strangers in the Night
10. Dawn of Death Stare
11. First Round Action
12. Mario & Luigi