IKEA Releases Guide on How to Create Your Own ‘Game of Thrones’ Cape Using Their Rugs

Although being part of the Night’s Watch in Game of Thrones is arguably one of the tougher occupations thanks to the constant cold and threat of danger, there’s no denying that they have some of the coolest outfits on the show and owning your own is just an IKEA trip away.

The shows head costume designer, Michele Clapton revealed last year at a Getty Museum in LA that all you need to make your very own cape is a $79 SKOLD IKEA rug, a pair of scissors and the handy instructions you see below.

IKEA being the great bunch that they are have created a set of useful instructions finished in their famous easy-to-follow style that make creating your own simple. For more information visit IKEA.

The Night’s Watch may have some of the coolest costumes in the Game Of Thrones world…

The shows head costume designer Michele Clapton revealed that they’re made using IKEA rugs!

IKEA responded with their own handy how-to guide for making your own

Simply grab a pair of scissors and cut a hole in one of their SKOLD rugs…

Throw it over your shoulders…

And you’ll be ready to take on the Wildlings and White Walkers!

Looking good!


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