A photographer and knitter collaborated and magic happened

Artistic collaborations can only go two ways: perfect or bad. This example right here is incredibly perfect and it features two unusual types of artists: a photographer and a knitter. I’m not saying the artists themselves are unusual, but their collaboration is unheard of before. At least, I haven’t heard anything like this before.

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd are the masterminds between this “Invisible Jumpers” series you’re going to see below. The series has been collected in a new book that will hit the US shelves on November 25. Joseph Ford is the photographer responsible for blending the model in the environment and creating that eye-popping camouflage effect that will leave you speechless. Nina is a very talented knitter who created the designs of these jumpers. Together, they had selected the best environments that would create the most stunning visual effects. They knew what to choose, design and photograph.

After seeing this, something struck me: we humans should blend naturally with nature. We are its children. We should wear this sort of jumpers under our skin and know how to be part of the environment. We should do more of that, don’t you think?

Just scroll down for some inspiration. This is what happens when a photographer and knitter collaborate. This is the sort of magic I’d like to see more often.

1. Man can always go back to being part of nature whenever he wishes

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

2. You are part of the space you’re in. Find those things that bring you closer

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

3. The man is part of the environment he created. We should create good environments to be part of

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

4. Climbing the automatic ladder to heaven or just to the mall…you should do it in style

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

5. Urban surroundings are man’s creation, so we should also be in tune with them

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

6.Man can always go back to being part of nature whenever he wishes

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

7. Losing yourself in the background might not be such a bad idea, after all. We all need a little break from life’s constant demands. Just lose yourself in the scenery and enjoy the day!

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

8. Chilling with your loved ones and in tune with the room: this is what ‘comfortable’ is all about

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

9. Well, it seems knitting jumpers is not only for humans. This is cool!

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

10. This is marvellous. It perfectly fits the idea that human and nature should become one. Her jumper matches perfectly with the coast.

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

11. Just how breathtaking this is!

Joseph Ford and Nina Dodd / Hoxton Mini Press

Via Flavorwire

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