10 Of The World’s Biggest Pets. #6 is Just so WOW

A lot of us have pets. However these pets take it to another level. In this article we share some of the biggest pets in the world and some might surprise you i’m sure. We all know that some animals can grow to huge sizes, but we are talking about your everyday pet here. Not elephants or animals you only get to see in the zoo.

Check out 10 of the world’s largest pets and tell us in the comment section which one surprised you the most.

1. Giant George. A 43 inch tall great dane from Arizona.

worlds largest pet

Are you kidding me?! This is a pet dog? It looks bigger than my car, holy cow that is a huge dog.

2. Ulric. The 30 Pound Cat. From the UK.

World's Biggest Pets

We all know some cats can grow very big, but this one takes the cake, look at the size of it

3. Goldie. A 15 inch goldfish weighing in at 2 lbs. Again, from the UK.

This fish looks like it can eat you whole. Don’t mess with it, and never try to flush it down the toilet.

4. Ralph. A 55-pound rabbit fromt the UK.

World's Biggest Pets

55 pound rabbit that is so big, your dog will be scared of him, and not the other way around

5. Zeus. A 55-inch tall great dane. From Michigan.

Great Danes are known to be big dogs, but even for the breed, this one grew even bigger

6. Zorba. A 343 pound mastiff from London, UK.

World's Biggest Pets

What’s with the UK and all the large animals in there, is there something in the food that we should know about?

7. Gary. The 8 Stone capybara. From Texas.

I would not want to sleep in a house with that animal, I don’t care how cute it looks

8. Sammy. A 115 Pound Tortoise. From San Francisco.

World's Biggest Pets

This animal should be in the ocean, not in someone back yard

9. Bandit. A 75 pound Racoon from Pennsylvania.

Raccoons are cool, but not in my house mate

10. Stewie. A 48.5 inch Cat from Nevada.

World's Biggest Pets

Such a long cat I would not know where it begins and where it ends.

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