25 Cat Expressions, And What They Really Mean

Cats are awesome, but very temperamental. Its extremely hard to judge what kind of mood they are in. Thats why you need to read this and learn what their cat expressions mean.

1. Happy

Meaning: I just clawed the back of the sofa.

2. Surly

Meaning: Getting really sick and tired of your crap.

3. Confused

Meaning: How the hell did I get here? I must run around like something possessed until I figure it out.

4. Regretful

Meaning: Everything in life is ruined because of this one bad decision.

5. Hostile

Meaning: You are going to regret the day you were born.

6. Perplexed

Meaning: Wow I had no idea you were that clever.

7. Sour

Meaning: That is disgusting.

8. Slack-Jawed

Meaning: OMG. How did you do that!? TEACH ME.

9. Petrified

Meaning: Dear lord, please forgive me for my sins!.

10. Dangerous

Meaning: Look me in the eyes whilst I decide your fate human.

11. Withering

Meaning: Dont forget, I am the boss round here.

12. Uncertain

Meaning: I didn’t know you were back this early.

13. Puzzled

Meaning: Wait.. What?.. oh.

14. Troubled

Meaning: I wish I could un-see what I just witnessed.

15. Ecstatic


16. Han-gry

Meaning: Hungry and angry. Someones going to get bitten.

17. Seductive

Meaning: If you want my body, and you think Im sexy…

18. Philosphical

Meaning: Will I ever catch the that red dot.

19. Anxious

Meaning: Please, help me. Oh dear god.

20. Disturbed

Meaning: Thats how you clean yourself? You filthy human!.

21. Heartbroken

Meaning: How can I lay on the keyboard and annoy you if you are not on it?.

22. Curious

Meaning: Whatever you are doing, keep going until I stop staring like this.

23. Elated

Meaning: Let me have one of those.

24. Content

Meaning: That meal was perfect. You did good human.

25. I Regret Nothing

Meaning: I have never been happier than I am right now.

via Distractify

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