When you consider all of the amazing photography you have probably come across on the internet, you probably don’t think about how much those photographs would cost to buy. The people who bought these photographs must really be into their photography, and have a LOT of money.
You will probably be left surprised after you see these. Especially number 1.
10th Most Expensive Photograph
Edward Weston: (1925) – $1,609,000
Sold at Sotheby’s New York in 2008. This photo was part of a series titled ‘Unclothed Studies’ and pictures Tina Modotti, his lover and collaborator.
9th Most Expensive Photograph
Dimitry Medvedev: “Tobolsk Kremlin” (2009) – $1,750,000
Sold in 2010 at a private fund raising auction, this picture taken from the air shows the white stone walls and towers of the Kremlin in Tobolsk, Russia.
8th Most Expensive Photograph
Unknown: “Billy the Kid” (1879-80) – $2,300,000
Sold in 2011, this photo is the only genuine image of Billy the kid.
7th Most Expensive Photograph
Cindy Sherman: “Untitled #153” (1985) – $2,700,000
This print is from an edition of 6. Sold in 2010.
6th Most Expensive Photograph
Edward Steichen: “The Pond – Moonlight”, (1904) – $2,928,000
This photograph is a beautiful example of the Pictorialist style of the late 1800s and early 20th.
5th Most Expensive Photograph
Andreas Gursky: “Chicago Board of Trade III” (1999) – $3,298,755
This is an amazing image which captures a booming high-tech industry and international markets. Sold in 2013.
4th Most Expensive Photograph
Andreas Gursky: “99 Cent II Diptychon” (2001) – $3,346,456
This was one of the first high-price photo purchases and stirred up a bit of controversy at the time of sale in 2007.
3rd Most Expensive Photograph
Jeff Wall: “Dead Troops Talk” (1992) – $3,666,500
This picture titled ‘Dead Troops’ is a montage from 1992. Its a vision of an ambush aftermath in Afghanistan, winter of 1986.
2nd Most Expensive Photograph
Cindy Sherman: “Untitled #96? (1981) – $3,890,500
Sold in 2011, Sherman prefers to leave her work without a title, leaving it open to interpretation.
The Most Expensive Photograph
Andreas Gursky: “Rhein II” (1999) – $4,338,500
Sold in New York, 2011, the most expensive photograph ever sold is actually heavily edited and Photoshoped. Gursky says he removed many of the elements such as buildings and trees that were damaging to the composition.
h/t www.facts.fm