These 25 people got exactly what they deserved, just not as soon as they expected. This is instant karma in action.
1. This Cyclist:
2. This Girl:
3. This guy getting owned by a sign.
4. This queue jumper:
5. This guy who should have stayed still.
6. This guy who should have left the ducks alone.
7. The person who made an illegal turn in front of the police:
8. The guy who messed with the wrong tyre:
9. This guy for trying to steal:
10. This driver for using the phone whilst driving:
11. He messed with the wrong horse:
12. The sign strikes back:
13. This guy who should have stuck to the path:
14. This guy who tried to steal:
15. Thats what you get for kicking a ball at someone else:
16. The baby who got out smarted by this cat:
17. This guy for trying to be funny:
18. This girl:
19. The chair that just wouldn’t budge.
20. These guys for ruining a golfing game.
21. This guy for taking on the bin:
22. He really shouldn’t have done that.
23. When flying kicks go wrong.
24. This guy who lost. Badly.
source: imgur