15 Tinder Messages That Made Us Lose All Hope of Finding Love

We have all heard of looking for love in all the wrong places, and after reading these hilarious Tinder messages you will probably agree that the dating app Tinder is one of them.

Sometimes a message can sound good in your head, and still appear ok right until the second after you send it. Then when you read it back it sounds terrible. These people thought these messages would get them a date.

They certainly need some practice.

1. If you ask for weird then you are going to get it.

2. Play it cool bro.

3. It is indeed.

4. But what about the burning car!?

5. Seriously, you look out of this world.

6. How thoughtful.

7. Well hold on just one minute.

8. This guy is seriously into his bees.

9. You came on too strong.

10. You dropped your standards.

11. It better meet my standards.

12. Target? have some self respect man.

13. You look like my cousin. You are hot. Ummm…

14. It might not be much of a compliment, but atleast they have an occupation.

15. This person treating it like a job interview.

via viralnova

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