20 Brilliantly Awkward Birthday Cards Sent by Kids

Kids have an innocence about them that lets them just tell it like it is. Here are 20 brilliantly awkward cards sent by kids.

1. P.S I love you

2. Cat food

3. Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt

4. Happy Birthday Poo Face!

5. Have a Gollumy birthday

6. Happy Birthday mum!

7. This unexpected card from a 5-year-old

8. When are you moving out?

9. Wee Unicorn power!

10. This child who isn’t afraid to remind their mum how old they are.

11. This kid who is saying something in a hidden message.

12. It was supposed to say ‘guy’. Never mind…

13. We all know what this looks like.

14. The kids were trying to tell him something.

15. “Let’s Cook” in a Breaking Bad context. What every dad wants to receive from their daughter.

16. This kid that gets straight to the point.

17. You have the soul of a Barbarian

18. The kid that totally gets life

19. This beautifully illustrator reminder

20. Ok have a drink but be smart about it.

via Buzzfeed

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