These fascinating photos are by Polish born photographer Michal Karcz who is otherwise known online as “Karezoid”. From a young age Karcz was used to using his fathers camera and comments on how he loved seeing the world through a camera lens, taking images and then cropping them and selecting the very best ones.
Finally in 2004 his serious adventure into the world of photography and digital manipulation began, with a new array of digital tools at his disposal a world of opportunity was open to him. He began using his early experience and creativity from his youth to create worlds which simply aren’t possible in real life.
Mixing photography with digital painting Karcz has created these illustrations that depict places and situations from his dreams, fears and imagination. They are mesmerisingly surreal and well worth a look. Check out more the photographers work via his 500px, Facebook, and Behance.
All images via Michal Karcz
h/t boredpanda