Andy Gilmore Art in the Form of Geometric Images Will Blow Your Mind

Andy Gilmore art is the topic of this article and with good reason. When we first looked at his work you can easily see the talent and passion he has for his craft and this is what the site is all about, so creating this article was a no brainer for us. Enjoy it.

Andy Gilmore is an artist and designer based in Rochester, New York. His ability to create hypnotic math based geometric art is incredible. The outcome is artwork that features kaledscopic patterns and shapes full of colour.

You can easily recognize Andy work by his use of sound and colors that results in stunning geometric artworks you see blow. Andy says that his love for music is the main force behind his inspiration and more specifically the sound waves that music produces.

You can actually see this in his works as some shapes really reminds sound waves.

This type of work reminds us of the beautiful city skylines as geometric shapes in this article we published a while ago.

Andy Gilmore is an internationally renowned artist who has also worked with clients such as Wired, Nike and the New York Times. You can check out more of his work via his Website.

Andy Gilmore art and sound wave geometric shapes


andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art


andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art



andy gilmore art

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Blazepress is on a mission to create and publish the best articles about art, design, photography and similar topics for the enjoyment of our readers. While we do it with a smile, a simple share from one of you would mean the world to us as it helps spread the word about aspiring artists who badly need this exposure.

Think about that when you get to the end of our articles.

h/t Imgur

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