Two Artists Transform the Beach into Mind Bending Works of Art

If you happen to be walking along New Zealand’s Okains Bay then you might be lucky enough to stumble across the artwork of artist duo Constanza Nightingale and David Rendu. Using either shells or just by drawing lines in the sand they are able to create three dimensional works of art that will bend your mind.

In order to create the lines in the sand they use a mixture of sticks and rakes. It may seem like an odd choice of canvas, after all these artworks are unlikely to last long, however this is the artists intentions. Their brief existence serves as a reminder of how short life is. To see more of their work you can visit Rendu’s Facebook Page and Nightingale’s website.

Constanza Nightingale
Constanza Nightingale
Constanza Nightingale
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art
David Rendu Art


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