Surgeon Calms Crying 2-Year-Old Girl About to Undergo Heart Surgery With Cartoons on His Phone

When Xin Er was about to undergo heart surgery she was understandably scared. The two-year-old had a pre-existing heart condition and needed surgery at Zhejiang University Hospital, China. Xin was crying uncontrollably until surgeon Shi Zhuo stepped in to try and calm her down by showing the little girl cartoons on his phone.

Touched by this adorable moment Anaesthetist Jin Ziying took these photos. Xin is said to be recovering well. Dr. Shi Zhuo told the Daily Mail “In reality, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl, they all get scared in the operating theatre.”

When the moment came for Xin Er to undergo heart surgery she began to cry. Nobody could comfort her.


Surgeon Shi Zhuo stepped in to try and comfort the little girl.


He played some cartoons on his phone to help take her mind off of things.


Xin is said to be recovering well. Whilst many people argue that smartphones caused the death of conversation and interaction, it’s heartwarming stories like this that reminds us the also bring us together.


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