This Swear Word Colouring Book Will Keep You Calmer in 2016

For those that think colour books are just for the classroom or for kids, think again. Colouring books for adults have been growing in popularity recently due to their soothing nature and the calming effect it can have, similar to reading. With this in mind and the new year now approaching, Sarah Bigwood, an artist from the UK has come up with the Sweary Colouring Book.

Known as PixieRah Design, Bigwood has created a colouring book consisting of 20 different swear words surrounded by intricate flowery, patterned and abstract designs that you can colour in. 

There’s a word for every occasion, no matter the circumstance and how stressed you are, ensuring that 2016 is your calmest year ever. After the books huge success on Kickstarter she is now offering the books on Etsy in a pre sale. You can see more of her work on Facebook and Instagram.

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