Although we’re still a long way off of mobile phones being able to replace the DSLR cameras that photographers now most commonly use, when it comes to taking amazing photos using mobile phones should not be dismissed as a useful tool to take a photo when a full on camera isn’t available – as proven by the latest winners of the 2016 Mobile Photography Awards, an annual competition that’s been running since 2011.
The competition is broken down into 18 categories spanning from photojournalism to fine digital art with winners for each and an overall winner who this time was photographer Giles Clarke who took home a $3,000 prize and the title MBA Photographer of the Year for his portrait of a soldier in Iraq. For more information on the winners and the competition head over to the Mobile Photography Awards website.
1. Fishing for Living by Zarni Myo Win. Winner, Travel & Adventure.
2. Look Down Angel by José-Luis Sáez. Winner, Black & White.
3. Castaway by Mariko Klug. Winner, Landscapes.
4. Climbing the Waterfall by Sam Burton. Winner, Water/Snow/Ice.
5. London After Brexit by Michel Juvet. Winner, The Darkness.
6. Winston & Ben by Richard Chambury. Winner, Silhouettes.
7. Born to be Wild by Margarita Iskandarova. Winner, Nature & Wildlife.
8. Handstand by Suzanne Engelberg. Winner, Street Photography.
9. The Hive. London by Jennifer Thomas. Winner, Architecture & Design.
10. Exploding Fireworks – Phuket Vegetarian Festival by Tan KH Victor. Honourable mention, Photojournalism.
11. VW Life by Katrina Stewart. Winner, Transportation.
12. Sole Music by Pierre Hauser. Winner, Still Life.
13. Novice is Thinking Something by Zarni Myo Win. Winner, Portraits
14. Forgotten Childen of Idomeni by Velar Grant. Winner, Photo Essay.
15. Peshmerga Soldier | Sinjar, Iraq by Giles Clarke. Winner, MPA Photographer of the Year.
h/t MyModernMet