Programmer Asked to Work 40 Hours for Free Posts His Brilliant Response on Twitter

A common problem within the world of design is that designers are expected to work for free or for that famous currency that you sadly can’t pay bills with known as “exposure.” But just when you thought the problem was exclusively within the design community it turns out that programmers also suffer from the same problem too, as proven by this recent conversation between Zach Zundel and a potential client.

After discussing the ins and outs of what the client wanted Zach responded and told him what it would cost to create, but needless to say the client wasn’t too happy. Instead he offered stocks or shares in his “great idea” but fortunately Zach wasn’t having any of it. After they agreed to disagree he uploaded the conversation to Twitter where it quickly went viral with 17k retweets and 48k likes. Read it below…

This programmer had an interesting conversation with a potential client:


Zach then shared the conversation on Twitter where it went viral, with countless people agreeing with him. Although the potential “client” wasn’t too happy about it!


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