Russian Bakery Uses ‘Brushstroke’ Decorations to Create the Most Amazing Cakes

Looking almost too good to eat the cakes of Moscow-based bakery Kalabasa have been setting off a new trend over on Instagram that involves decorating cakes with colourful icing that takes inspiration from one of the art world’s most key elements, the humble brushstroke.

Using chocolate or icing as their chosen medium the Kalabasa bakery turns normal looking cakes into works of art before airbrushing them into a variety of tones. They’re available as either single-layer sweets, tiered creations of even cupcakes and because they’re finished in so many colour combinations no two are the same and they’re truly unique – just like the world’s greatest artworks.

To see more of their amazing brushstroke creations head over to their Instagram.

There’s a new food trend over on Instagram being led by Russian bakery Kalabasa that involves decorating cakes with ‘brushstroke’ styled icing.


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