37 Photos That Will Leave You Oddly Satisfied

Here are 37 photos that will leave you oddly satisfied after seeing them.

1. This persons cartoon book collection.

2. This amazing display at a supermarket.

3. This insane trick shot.

4. A ball made of binder clips

5. The way these boxes fit into this truck.

6. The face left behind after burying someone knee deep in sand.

7. The way a can of coke fits into a glass the same shape.

8. The way these coat hangers are arranged.

9. A message that only shows up when it rains created with stencils and Superhydrophobic coating.

10. The way these DVD’s are arranged

11. This feather duster throw

12. Gummy Bears

13. The firing mechanism on this gun.

14. An iceberg that looks like Batman.

15. The pattern on this pitch.

16. Layers of sawdust that have collected under a table saw.

17. A magnet in a workshop that collects iron particles in the air.

18. The last few magnets are not on a hook.

19. This man looks just like the guy on the front of the paper.

20. This cable organisation.

21. How perfect these pancakes are.

22. This epic frisbee throw.

23. The way these pills are arranged.

24. This jet wash win!

25. The books and curve in this shelf.

26. The way this box fits inside another box.

27. This bench with snow on it.

28. This kick.

29. The tigers face also spells out the word tiger.

30. This upside down car.

31. The way the water flows perfectly through the plughole.

32. The way these Apps are lined up.

33. This dog building his own fort.

34. A frog spotted inside an onion.

35. These two movies on Netflixs are holding hands.

36. The coolest Instagram account ever.

37. This electricity pylon that looks like a clown.

h/t r/mildlyinteresting

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