These are the daily struggles of a sloth illustrated by Japanese artist Keigo

Sloths are cute and funny and lovely. Sid from Ice Age has proved that and there’s no denying that if you want o be a sloth you need to be really lazy and creative at finding the best ways to stay lazy and carefree throughout your whole life. Maybe there’s even something we can learn from sloths and that’s to avoid rushing things. The real tree-dweller mammals living in the wild are actually very good at taking things slow; for example, they have the slowest metabolism on the planet. It sounds rather boring, isn’t it? There’s no ice age coming or going and the “modern-day Sid” has a normal, prosaic life.

Everything changed, though, when the Japanese artist Keigo decided it was time sloths got mundane daily struggles, like us humans do; and since Keigo is really good at illustrating unusual things and puns and basically everything that comes to mind, he took it upon himself to make a sloth’s life a miserable mundane affair. Poor things…

Fortunately, it was all done on paper, with the aid of imagination and creativity and no sloth was hurt in the process. What Keigo did was imagine a sloth having to deal with the everyday hustle and bustle of our human lives. And it turned out it wasn’t easy for such a slow-moving animal to keep up with our insane pace.

It’s both funny and a little eye-opener. Maybe we’re running too fast, maybe we’re trying too hard, maybe we should slow down a bit and enjoy the view. Keigo’s hilarious and insightful illustrations appeal to each and every one of us and his Instagram account has amounted nearly 1m followers. We’ve compiled some of the best illustrations of sloth going about their daily lives and we thought you’d like to check them out below and have a few moments of cuteness overload and deep thinking of your life pace.

1. The struggle is real

2. “Could you give him a lift? Don’t drive too fast, though, it will mess up his metabolism!”

3. Real-time messaging in a world of sloths be like..

4. The daily struggles of a sloth as a barber are real

5. If sloths were referees…

6. A sloth’s all-time idol is a cheetah.

7. I can see why…

8. Don’t ask a sloth for a glass of water!

9. Or to drive to the airport

10. Anyways, they’re cute

11. Really cute!

12. Like, extremely cute

13. You can’t get mad at a sloth!

14. You can even ask him to come to the gym with you, it will make you feel better

15. But don’t ask him to perfom any quick tricks!

16. Or play any sports…

17. Sloths would definetly struggle with a fountain pen

But they will always stay cute and take life easy! So, you’ve got something to learn from them!


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