Are you as lazy as they are? You’re probably as attracted by your phones and multiple screens as these animals, laying in your bed now and scrolling away on the web, Social Media and whatnot, right? This super talented artist from Beijing, Guodong Zhao thought of a way to depict this favourite habit of our modern society: laying around, completely drawn in our technology, with no idea about the real world around us.
“Lazy Things” is an outstanding project of his in which he calls upon our procrastinating society who likes to spend most of their times in a different reality. The way this series is constructed is genius and these animals illustrations are hilarious. From cat to hippo, these fantastic visualizations have that amazing “real feeling” that will make you think about the way they were produced, right? Well, they’re made with the Pixologic ZBrush, a digital sculpting tool that enables you to create 2.5D or even 3d modelling while manipulating the textures and painting as well. This brush can be integrated with Autodesk Maya, 3ds Max or Cinema 4D. It also offers support for other professional editing tools, helping you achieve a digital and visual masterpiece. Moreover, it allows you to make fun of our modern society, wallowed in social media, gaming and the “promised world of the Internet”. Basically, you’re using the same modern tools to make fun of the modern tools of spending(wasting) our free modern time.
Warning! You’ll be quite impressed by these artworks and if you want more, you can search the artist’s page on Behance. He’s a real ahead-of-his-time artist.
For more cuteness overload, you can look up these truly non-photogenic animals. You’ll love them, also!
1. Video Games all day long!

2. “Whatchu’ doin’ there all day long?”

3. No care in the world…

4. Playin’, like father like son

5. Next level: VR!

6. Comfy fatty cute crocodile on his Nintendo little console!

7. Isn’t he cute?

8. Rhino, what are you doing?

9. Phonin’, all day smart-phonin’

10. Some sort of vacation

11. I’m not sure why he’s so surprised

12. Cuuute! But hey, if you’re doing it, know that you’re not that cute, okey?

Via Land of Web