Cats are sleeping most of the day. They actually need more sleep than we humans do. Their cuteness overload is probably the reason they waste so much energy and need recharging constantly. But how about cats cosplaying as food while sleeping? Any encounters with that?
If they feel very comfy around the house, they would sleep in any position. And by any position, I mean ANY position imaginable and unimaginable. They have a way of twisting and turning, curling and turning and then end up in a funny posture. Sometimes I wonder if they know how cute they are. Sometimes they wake up, open their eyes and give you that innocent look like: “What? I sit the way I want”. And that’s when you’re melting. Cat owners will surely understand.
Anyways, imagine you’d have to sleep that much during the day. You’d run out of sleeping positions, right? You’d need to improvise and that’s exactly what these cats are doing. They are actually really creative, they are cosplaying and you had no idea until now.
Leaving jokes aside, these cats look like actual types of food, a kiwi, a rotisserie chicken, an egg and so many others. You might even say that these are cats cosplaying as food. Ready?
1. Look at this cute rotisserie chicken!
2. Add half an orange and VOILA!
3. Homemade cinnamon buns or a fatty cute cat
4. The Kiwi in the middle is a little bit puffier than usual
5. Cute croissant baby
6. How about this melted mozzarella?
7. Look, a burrito!
8. The cutest Oreo donut in the world
9. Look at that waffle butt!
10. Isn’t she a cute marshmallow
11. How about a loaf of bread to go with your diet?
12. Unfortunately, she looks like a cute head on a platter, don’t you think so?
13. A potato in his natural environment
So, aren’t these cute cats cosplaying as food the most adorable thing you’ve seen today?
Via Cats on Catnip